Bonding with children or teens through reflexology

When my boys have had a troubled day at school or get agitated or anxious about something, to allow them to find calm I gently take hold of their foot and let the magic of reflexology reset their mind and body. I notice the change after a few minutes that what seemed so important or difficult before has altered in their thoughts of it and any tension starts to dissipate.

Touch is extremely therapeutic and as children get older and into their teens we can sometimes lose that connection – especially in an increasing digital world. Reflexology brings this connection back and allows relaxation and calmness to flow. When we are in a relaxed and calm state we are better able to process our thoughts and when ready, we are able to share these with others. We can allow that to occur at our children’s pace as the expectation of talking is removed. In the meantime the bonding that occurs can provide the strength to help your son or daughter through difficult times and the benefits of reflexology can provide extra support emotionally and physically.

The following routine can be used on your loved ones whenever you find an opportune time.


  • Before you start you may like to place a towel or paper towel under the feet if you will be using an oil or balm so this does not get on your clothes. Also check the feet for any cuts, bruises or fungal infections that would need to be avoided or taken care of.
  • Use a firm, comfortable pressure so it is not ticklish
  • Notice areas that may be tender (and are not injured) that require extra work within the comfort level of your child.
  • If feedback is given that an area feels good, go back to it.
  • When applying pressure, do not overwork your own hands, thumbs or fingers. Alternate between techniques.
  • Focus on one foot at a time.
  • Working the entire foot will help holistically. For mental or nervous system issues massage the toe areas further. For emotional issues, focus on the ball of the foot. Reflexology charts can help to pinpoint reflexes to work for specific physical problems and the body part affected.

Step 1:
Stroke with two fingers around the ankle bones 5 x in each direction.

Step 2:
Cup the heel in the palm with both hands and squeeze to give it a grounding hug. Hold for 5 seconds.

Step 3:
Hold the foot from both sides using both thumbs on sole of foot and fingers on the top of foot and spread the skin using the thumbs and slide out to the opposite side of the foot.
Starting from the ball of the foot under the toes down to the heel.

Step 4:
With thumbs start at the bottom of the foot and slide and stretch vertically 5x, once up to each toe. When reaching each toe, rotate each toe gently 5x.

Step 5:
On the top of the foot, stroke down between the tendons towards the ankle.

Step 6:
Holding each toe between thumb and first finger, one at a time, start at the base and stretch gently and slide up to the end.

Step 7:
Make a fist and use your knuckles to press down the sole of the foot. Pay more attention to the heel and knead into this area.

Step 8:
Using your thumb massage of the sole of the foot with a small circular motion.

Step 9:
Go back over any area that requires more attention with one of the previous methods that fits best.

Step 10:
Finish with 3x ankle rotations, cupping the heel with one hand while holding the ball of the foot from one side to rotate. Stroke the sole of the feet and then down the top of the feet.

Children and Teens will benefit from reflexology through its ability to induce deep relaxation and its calming effect. Interrupting the stress effect, the body is then in the most optimal state for self-healing to take place. Circulation is improved for oxygen and nutrients to flow efficiently to where needed in the body as well as elimination of waste products and toxins. Working on the 7,000 or more nerve endings in the feet opens up neural pathways so messages are sent effectively and efficiently between the body and nervous system. Congested Energy flow in the body may be unblocked and restful sleep patterns promoted to aid their growing bodies.

Enjoy this bonding time together while your children are growing. These techniques are aimed at a basic introduction to allow you to connect with your loved ones in a calming way to facilitate their emotional and physical wellbeing. For specific conditions seek the guidance of a professional reflexologist or medical professional.